Reading and Writing is all around you. You just have to learn how to control those special elements, or gifts that are given to you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Poem To Social Awareness

I remember when you promised me you and mommy would love each other forever. 
I remember I was actually dumb enough to believe you.

What happened to the promise you made me? Did you keep it?
I don't care who's fault this was, I really don't. I just want to know why you lied to me? 

Do you know what it is like to live with you and mommy fighting all the time. 
I love you both.
I really do.
But have you ever stopped to think about how I was doing with all this? 
Life is hard for me but probably even more for you, so please,

Research Topic For Picture Book #1

Well the topic I choose to research was how feuding families can affect the lives of children. Reading an article from a newspaper I found on the internet called How Staying Together For The Sake Of Kids Can Lead To Binge Drinking, Early Sex, Smoking, And Poor Grades. What really made me think was the fact that I thought it was good if parents stuck together for the sake of kids was good because that would make the bond between the parents better because they would eventually have to talk it through with each other. But as I was reading this article, I realized that in some cases, being raised by a single parent compared to being raised by two biological parents who war against each other.

One of the main problems about being raised by feuding parents is the fact that children are prone to mental health problems if they are exposed to them daily. It also can lead to the child's relationship problems, they live in the constant fear of thinking that their relationship will fail which is really likely if they have lived through that as a child. That can cause some distress in the child in his/her life to come.

What we think doesn't affect children really does. I know parents do that because they think it is good, but really it is harming the child. In the end it is no ones fault. We all try our best to do what's right, even if it really isn't. But at least our intension are good...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Media Exploration For Social Awareness

Looking for data I came across this piece By Jim Dubreuil and Eamon MCniff. It  talked about how sometimes kid get bullied for the dumbest reasons. There is a whole array of reasons why kids get bullied and even others we dont know about. But the thing is, the more you think about the reason for being bullied the more obsered it seems to get and it doesn't have a reason behind it.

On the outside Tyler Long seemed to be a normal boy, but inside he had Asperger's Syndrome a type of autism, which was enough to get the kids at his school to bother him. Life for him was now not that easy, besides having to deal with his illness he also had to deal with being bullied. It came to the point that he just became a new person. He was a shut in and this took a huge toll on his self esteem. it came to the point where he could find another way out and he hung himself from the closet door. When his parents found him it was too late. Their beloved son was gone.

Stories like this aren't heard once in like 100 years. They are heard often and the scary part is that in some school systems, they don't do anything to prevent other incidents like these from happening. They just expect kids to start acting there age, usually repeating the same phrase, "Boys will be boys"

Social Awareness Project

When many people see something happening, they say nothing. They don't defend the person inflicted, they don't tell anyone to stop and they don't tell somebody. It is as if it isn't their burden to share, as if they didn't care...

What if it happens to you? Well, since you didn't help or say anything you deserve no help. People will just stare at you and think, 'poor person' but like you they won't say anything... For some reason somebody is always witnessing the happening and will never say anything. Don't you think it would be stopped if someone said something??
I think the common fear of most kids is that, if they tell someone, then they will be the ones who will be teased, called a tattle tale and then they will start teasing the poor kid, who all he did was try to help now is getting bullied himself.

What many people don't understand these days is, if you just think about making it better or just imagine the situation get better is like doing nothing because what is the point of thinking about it if you aren't going to do anything? Doing something is always better then nothing, because at least you attempt to make it better.

But what if it was a friend getting harassed? What would you do then? You see, the situation changes drastically based on who is the victim here. You know you would tell someone if it was your best friend. 

But just because you don't know the person getting hurt doesn't mean you should defend them any differently then if the person is your best friend or the person isn't, because just like your best friend would like to be defended or just like your best friend has feelings and doesn't like to be hurt, so does that person.

Just think about that...